Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work

Austin Kleon’s Show Your Work was a great and very quick read. The main message is this: as a creator, no matter what you are doing, there are people out there who would be interested in your work- so, allow people in on what you are doing and show your work.

Here are my main takeaways and favorite quotes:

  1. “For artists, the great problem to solve is how to get oneself noticed.” - Honore de Balzac

  2. You don’t have to be a genius to find success.

  3. You can’t find your voice if you don’t use it.

  4. Think process, not product.

  5. Take people behind the scenes of your work. Document and share what you are working on.

  6. Share something small every day.

  7. Teach what you know. Share your secrets.

  8. Work is something you do, not who you are.

  9. Even the Renaissance had to be funded.

  10. Pay it forward and help others.

  11. Don’t quit your show.

  12. “Work is never finished, only abandoned.”

  13. Just keep going.

Highly recommend this book to any creators out there.

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