Pre-med Jake Gibbons Pre-med Jake Gibbons

How to approach your medical school interview

Medical school interviews can be very intimidating. I remember being very nervous before mine. Having gone through them now (as well as many residency interviews), I want to help appease some of your fears and anxieties. Additionally, I’ve been on the other side of this, having served as an interviewer myself for medical school candidates. Here is what I have learned.

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Medical School Jake Gibbons Medical School Jake Gibbons

How to succeed on rounds as a medical student

When I started my third year of medical school, I was absolutely terrified to present patients on rounds. Rounding is an age old medical tradition of discussing patients one by one in a group consisting of attending physicians, residents, and medical students. In this video, I’ll discuss ways to help you succeed on rounds.

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Finance Jake Gibbons Finance Jake Gibbons

The single best book on investing

Unfortunately, physicians are viewed by financial professionals to be easy targets. Despite all the years of education and training, little time is spent learning even the most basic personal finance concepts. John Bogle’s The Little Book of Common Sense Investing has everything you need to learn to invest yourself.

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